Talking Images

Imagery can turn a curriculum outcome or dry piece of info into a vital part of a fascinating, compelling story — Kate Charette (@kate_charette)

Last night #imaginEDchat was all about IMAGERY. More than 35 educators from all over the planet spent an hour discussing the power of imagery for learning.

Here are few snap shots of the discussion–notice the metaphors at play! Images as tools, entry points, windows, anchors… Images deepen meaning, they pull us in.  They are personal; they move us.  Tied up with imagination, they allow us to consider multiple perspectives, dimensions.  They enable us to experience bodily engagement.  They can make us feel.  They can transport us to times/places we have never been and will never go.

#imaginED images

Why do images help us learn?

[An] image creates an emotional reaction in the viewer. It creates a need to know more. Color, composition all play a role. — Dr. Gretchen Teague (@DrTeaguerz)

Images are tools that help us link knowledge & experience, spark new connections between existing bits & pieces
— Kate Charette (@kate_charette)

Images r windows into thinking inviting students 2 wonder, connect, extend perspectives & expand what “is” to what might be — Karen Steffensen (@kstef2)

Images also have value as visual anchors in the mind for what was learned. Recall the image, recall the learning.
— Maria H. Andersen (@busynessgirl)

[Images] engage imagination and emotions, allow 4 viewer 2 insert self emotionally, bypassing words/conscious thought. — Rob Marsh, NBCT (@Robcat17)

Images can help students see topics from diff perspectives, see breadth & depth of the curric, find new & interesting ideas — Kate Charette (@kate_charette)

A powerful image will engage, challenge, push, and comfort (hopefully at the same time) — Olwen Cowan (@MsOlwenCowan)

Images provokes curiosity. Creativity. Conversation. — Christine YH (@ChristineYH)

[Images can] Depict distant galaxies, deep sea environments both places most of us will never see, mysterious places=Engagement — collidingwithscience (@ChouinardJahant) 

I like how the same image evokes different stories/writing from various people opening our eyes to other perspectives — Fred G. Harwood (@HarMath)

Participants took the IDEA of images into practice. Examples are shared for using imagery to support a variety  of topics including Physics, Mathematics, Second Language Learning, Creative Writing and Arts. You can access the whole conversation here. 

In Imaginative Education, mental imagery evoked from words is a powerful cognitive tool.  This post describes how to maximize its use in your teaching.  

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