YouTube: Greatest Science Book EVER?

By Brandon Hendrickson  YouTube is a firehose of garbage: gossip, fake news, and conspiracy theories. It’s also the greatest science book humanity has ever written. Armed with YouTube, you can begin for your students a science education that, before ten years ago, the wealthiest people in the world couldn’t have accessed — one that’s trustworthy, […]

Scientist of the Week: Always A Hit!

By: Stephanie Musgrove (Elementary Teacher and recipient of the Prime Minister’s Award for Teaching Excellence: Regional Certificate of Achievement) “Hi, my name is Sofia the Scientist and this is my assistant, Mom. To do my experiment you will need: a boiled egg, a bottle, paper and fire.” “Fire” was Sofia’s word for lighter. Sofia moved […]

Getting (Highschool) Kids Back Into The Sandbox: Imagination Matters

By Carla Cooper (High School Biology Teacher, MEd Student – Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Regina) Think back to the last time you played.  I mean, really played.  What were you doing?  How were you feeling?  Where were you?  There were so many lessons learned during that play.  Lessons that we have carried […]